
The University of Georgia "G-Club" was founded in 1903. In 1955, Coach Bill Hartman established the University of Georgia Football Lettermen's Club as an arm of the G-Club. Coach Hartman was President of the Club until 1980 when he handed over the reins to Leroy Dukes. Leroy Dukes ran the Georgia Football Lettermen's Club until 1995. The third and current President is Mack H. Guest, III. All players, managers, and trainers who earned their varsity letter from their head coach are members of the University of Georgia Lettermen's Club. Currently the Club has over 1,500 lettermen on roster with Sally Haugabook serving as Secretary. The Georgia Football Lettermen's Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit social organization exempt from income tax, but contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes.